"Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker" directed by J.J. Abrams
It's not good. It has very little to say, it tarnishes what came before. It makes very little sense. But at least Star Wars is over for now. So I guess its a relief. It's not that there is nothing to like. I really liked Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver's performances and their character's relationship onscreen. And there are bits and pieces that are almost fun. But it isn't fun. It isn't smart, it isn't mythologically resonant. it's shit. Star Wars is for children and idiots now. I suppose it might be for people who need to be reassured that female heroes are just as powerful as male heroes(obviously). I honestly hope they enjoy these Star Wars films. This movie is product, not art. And that's just kind of sad. I think that you could tell the same story and with a few changes and if it were told better it might have worked. Once again its a Star Wars movie just feels like a first draft that fails at everything it pretends to set out to do and tr...