
Showing posts from February, 2020

"The Outrage" (1964) directed by 'Martin Ritt'

I found everything about the Academy Awards alienating and bizarre so I turned it off and fired up the TCM app and watched Paul Newman give an amazing performance in brownface with a very over the top Mexican accent, and that was the least of the problematic issues with 'The Outrage' the incredible remake of Akira Kurasawa's Rashomon directed by Martin Ritt in 1964. This movie is amazing. It uses a framing device of three tough men of the wild west played by Edward G Robinson as an amoral chancer, William Shatner as a disillusioned preacher and an old-time prospector played by Howard Da Silva. These three men with radically different views on life are telling the tale(s) while trying to stay warm in a derelict train station in the old west on a rainy night among the cactus plants. These were my favorite parts of the movie a young Shatner and an older Edward G Robinson going head to head, I mean come on! It's an old west version of Roshomon, which I first saw back i...