'The Mandolorian' pooped out by "Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni" after eating an original poop by "George Lucas"

It seems like every time I watch a new Star Wars thing: movie show or game part of me is like "its everything I've been waiting for" and a part of me that reacts with revulsion, like "this shit isn't for me anymore". The Mandolorian is no exception. I love star wars games, I started playing the West End Games Pen and Paper roleplaying game when I was 12. I had just picked up the book in a game store in like 1988, a couple weeks later my dad's best friend Pouri's wife who was George Lucas' assistant generously invited my rapidly disintegrating family to visit Skywalker ranch. It blew my mind. I had tons of scholastic star wars books, pop up books, the cookbook, but my mom would never buy me the toys. I loved the movies but Jedi came out when I was in 1st grade,so time had marched on, I always liked star wars but visiting the ranch at that time at that age I really felt involved. A couple weeks later my dad came home with a Return of the Jedi movie poster signed to me from George Lucas "May the Force be with you" and I was all in.

These Star Wars RPG books were amazing you got diagrams and maps of locations, character creation rules backstory for loads and loads of characters all fodder to tell your own Star Wars stories, and just after that LucasArts was pumping out amazing videogames, and Star Wars was super popular so there were lots of friends to play with. There was always the wonder of what kind of movies Lucas would make when he got back to making Star Wars. Coordinating games was never easy when you are a kid with no car, but we got a few good campaigns rolling. And the made up by kids stories were more satisfying than anything the pros have come out with since. At the very least the stories we told ourselves definitely weren't worse than the product we eventually got. The combination of friends and the minute details presented about all things Star Wars just purely as an escape from my family situation, of parental units arguing for no reason and trying to satisfy impossible familial expectations with very little guidance. This Star Wars shit was an escape, it was fun, and the promise of fun with friends as the characters discover who they are going to become as characters.


That's what I want from Star Wars, you know like the first movies? Apparently, nobody else gives a flying crap about giving us that, not Disney, not Cartoon Network, not JJ Abrams, not Ryan Johnson, Not Favs. Not even Uncle George. They just want to give me another power fantasy which I understand is going to be part of blockbuster type entertainment, but if I wanted that I would fucking watch wrestling, they want to give me social messaging (because if you are watching power fantasy your mind is probably weak as pudding) and they want to sell me Baby Yoda plushies and shit, and I really and truly don't give a crap anymore...YET I STILL WATCH ALL OF IT!

The Mandolorian has a ton of cool Star Wars shit in it, but it doesn't matter because it just feels like a series of things happening.

And I know everybody else is loving it. Star Wars which was once a touchstone of commonality of cool scifi cinema an escape for nerdchilds whose parents were divorcing, is now a zombie. An undead marketing beast.

But I do have to say they are sticking true to the fucking lore they put in those books way back when I just wish I still gave a fuck. It makes me wonder then, why didn't they just tell the stories presented in the abandoned novels as well? And I appreciate what they are drawing from, I see they are referencing Clint Eastwood movies. Lone Wolf and Cub! A Samurai movie and I do love Samurai movies! They had a slender non-massaging Zatoichi in Rogue One, and now this? I'm GETTING ALL THE REFERENCES!!!!!! Why don't I care? Why is the pacing terrible? Why do I find the acting flat and unremarkable? Why don't I love this show?

I remember noticing waiting in the line for Episode One, As much as Star Wars meant to me, there are lots of people who were bigger fans, Way bigger fans, people who took it way, way far. Too far for me.


You grow up I guess.


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