'Solo: A Star Wars Story' directed by Ron Howard
Solo is a home run in my book. There are some things to get over and there is some weirdness, and some messiness, But in a lot of very awesome (dope as fuck) ways, its the star wars movie I've been wanting to see since Uncle George sold Star Wars into white slavery. That's just me, my opinion. What is Cannon? To me its the original Trilogy, the original cuts. That's it. Maybe you include the prequels, maybe you go by what Disney says it is this week. Maybe you include the old comics, the supplemental visual guides the decades of novels cartoons etc. I spent a lot of time with the various roleplaying game supplements growing up. This movie kind of feels like Ron Howard took a big glob of the best of all of that stuff, plopped it on a spinning wheel and caressed it into a an amazing artifact. Ron Howard is a competent director, and maybe not the best or most exciting director, but I think he understands story, and he understands what was great about the original Star W...